Expertise and valorization

The Labex LIO coordinates and drives 5 research centers in Lyon on fundamental research projects of excellence concerning the origins and the evolution of complexity of the Universe. Our technological facilities are structured into platforms that include, for example, measurement system for cryogenics environments, high-precision spectrometry, and the creation of high-performance optics...

Beyond research, we offer our know-how and resources to civil society and the industrial sector in fields such as health, innovative materials, Optical-thin-film material, forensics, etc. We are able to collaborate with you in the development of innovative solutions that create economic value, supported by the expertise of our researchers, engineers and technicians and our commitment to cutting-edge technologies.

Introduce us to your project and your challenges, and together in complete confidentiality, we will evaluate how our expertise and technologies can help you achieve your objectives.

Industry and society

Our teams are involved in various R&D projects producing meaningful applications for the industry, the environment, health, etc.
Applications and partnerships

A partnership with the LIO?

Expertise and support provided by our teams,

Access to our technological platforms,

Joint R&D projects: collaborative contracts, joint funding applications (FUI, ANR, European projects...), LabCom...,

CNRS training in analytical and instrumentation techniques (Raman micro-spectroscopy, TIMS mass spectrometry, ICP-MS).

Our expertise

Characterisation of innovative material in-situ,
Investigation and forensic isotopic or molecular,
Isotopic biomarkers for medical diagnosis,
Opto-mechanical integration of complex systems in dedicated rooms
Low temperature opto-mechanical metrology,
High-performance application of optical thin films,
Low noise electronics,
Simulation and modelling.

Our technological platforms

  Thin-film coating
  Raman micro-spectroscopy
  Mass spectrometry
Integration Equipment
  Integration hall, metrology, cryogenics
Clean Room
  Integration hall, metrology, cryogenics
Dark Matter
  Ultra-cool, low noise electronics
  Irradiation of molecular nano-systems
Common Computing Facility
Argon Liquide
  Liquid argon cryogenics