[CALL FOR APPLICATIONS] China Scholarship Council doctoral scholarships: 2025 campaign

From July 15, 2024 to September 17, 2024

The Université de Lyon has signed an agreement with the China Scholarship Council (CSC). Through this agreement, the CSC provides funding for 30 doctoral scholarships per year, enabling Chinese students to study for their PhD in one of the Université de Lyon’s member and associate institutions.

As part of its international policy, the Université de Lyon organizes research and training support initiatives on behalf of its members and associates. The China Scholarship Council (CSC) manages a scholarship program for doctoral students on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of Education (MoE). The Université de Lyon has signed an agreement with the CSC for thirty scholarships per year, worth €1,350 per month, for a maximum duration of 48 months.

In 2024, 14 candidates were selected from the 20 applicants, for a total of 35 thesis proposals.

The 2025 campaign opens on July 15 and runs until September 17, 2024.
Thesis supervisors and doctoral schools can send their proposals for thesis topics, written in English, by email to international.office@universite-lyon.fr. Once validated, the topics will be published on the dedicated website. Chinese candidates will then be able to apply, highlighting their scientific and linguistic skills, to the thesis supervisors and then on the CSC platform, taking care to strictly follow the program procedure.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Be a citizen and permanent resident of the People’s Republic of China
  • Hold (or be a future holder of) a Master’s degree or equivalent, demonstrating the candidate’s aptitude for research
  • Be in the 2nd year of a Master’s degree or 1st year of a PhD for basic thesis supervision
  • Be in the 2nd year of a PhD for joint thesis supervision (co-tutelle)
  • Have a very good level of French or English, depending on the scientific field (a minimum level of B2/C1 is recommended)


Important dates:

  • Submission of thesis proposals: October 17, 2024
  • Doctoral applications: January to February 2025
  • Announcement of selected candidates: June 2025
  • Arrival of PhD students: September 2025

More information about the schedule and application procedure on the dedicated page