[CALL FOR APPLICATIONS] Fulbright / Collegium: 2026-27 fellowships

From February 26, 2025 to September 15, 2025

The Franco-American Fulbright Commission and the Université de Lyon, via the Collegium – Institute for Advanced Studies, have entered into a partnership aimed at offering Collegium fellowships to candidates in Fulbright programs.

Thanks to the partnership between the Franco-American Fulbright Commission and the Université de Lyon, candidates for one of the three national Fulbright scholarship programs: All Disciplines, French Studies, Fulbright-Tocqueville who wish to be hosted in a research unit at the Lyon/Saint-Étienne university site, are eligible for a residency at the Collegium de Lyon.

The Collegium's Fulbright Chair, open to researchers based in the United States, includes:

  • The provision of an apartment in the Collegium residence on the ENS de Lyon campus (excluding home insurance costs);
  • Assistance in completing the various reception formalities;
  • Scientific integration within an interdisciplinary promotion of international researchers;
  • A grant (from 3 to 6 months depending on the program) paid by the Fulbright commission.

Candidates interested in the Collegium Fulbright Chair must attach to their application a letter of support from the management of the targeted research unit at the Lyon Saint-Étienne university site.

Important dates

  • September 15, 2025: deadline for submitting applications
  • End of February 2026: announcement of results to candidates
  • September 1, 2026: welcome to the Collegium de Lyon

Full details and the online registration platform can be found on the following Fulbright links according to the program: All Disciplines  ||  French Studies  ||  Fulbright-Tocqueville