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[PUBLIC EVENT] Conference on sexual and gender-based violence in higher education
The Université de Lyon and the inter-institutional network for equality and the fight against sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) are organizing their inaugural conference on the Lyon Saint-Étienne site from February 17 to 21, 2025.
The aim of this conference is to provide an opportunity to share best practices and develop the skills of those involved in preventing and dealing with SGBV in the higher education and research sector. It has several aims:
- To build a common framework of expertise by sharing findings and drawing up assessments based on recent studies,
- To provide a forum for sharing best practices with those involved in preventing and dealing with SGBV in the student environment,
- To create the basis for a local and intersectional approach for the prevention and handling of SGBV in higher education,
- To offer a training and awareness program,
- To promote student initiatives and facilitate meetings between student associations.
The conference will take place over four days, each dedicated to a different topic, and hosted in a partner institution and aimed at a specific audience:
- Monday, February 17, 2025:
Promoting cooperation between local institutions and associations
at the Université de Lyon (Lyon 7th arrondissement)
- Tuesday, February 18, 2025:
Better support for student populations who are victims of or who have witnessed SGBV
at the Sciences Po Public Factory (Lyon 7th arrondissement)
- Wednesday, February 19, 2025:
Better handling of SGBV in the research sector
at the ENS de Lyon (Lyon 7th arrondissement)
- Thursday, February 20, 2025:
Fostering student engagement to combat sexual and gender-based violence
at the LyonTech-la Doua campus (Villeurbanne)
Download the detailed program (in French)
I would like to take part - Registration (free)
• Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
• Université Lumière Lyon 2
• Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
• INSA Lyon
• ENS de Lyon
• Sciences Po Lyon
• ECAM LaSalle
• Crous de Lyon
Supported by:
To read as well
More information
Launched by the inter-institutional network to combat SGBV and discrimination on the Lyon Saint-Étienne site, the Stop Violences section on the Université de Lyon Ma Santé (Students Health) website offers more information about:
► How to report an incident► The different types of sexual and gender-based violence
► Discrimination criteria
► What the Law says
Visit the website