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ED 512 - InfoMaths (Informatique et Mathématiques)
Publié le 26 novembre 2024 | Mis à jour le 26 novembre 2024
CADEA: Collaborative Argumentation and Debate Enhancement with AI
In recent years, digital platforms for public debate (DPPD) have gained popularity for gathering citizen input and enabling broad participation in various contexts, such as spatial planning, ecological transition, education, and politics. Despite their potential, outcomes from initiatives like the French Great National Debate (GDN) have revealed challenges including minimal deliberation and low engagement from affected populations.
This PhD project aims to address these challenges by integrating argumentation methods and large language models (LLMs) to develop the necessary techniques for an AIaugmented collaborative platform that organizes, represents, and synthesizes vast amounts of debate information.
This PhD project aims to address these challenges by integrating argumentation methods and large language models (LLMs) to develop the necessary techniques for an AIaugmented collaborative platform that organizes, represents, and synthesizes vast amounts of debate information.