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ED 340 - BMIC Biologie Moléculaire Intégrative et Cellulaire
Publié le 26 novembre 2024 | Mis à jour le 26 novembre 2024
Epigenetic Regulation Of Muscle Stem Cell Division Choice
Changes in chromatin architecture, noncoding RNA and post-translational histone modifications play a major role in the regulation of gene expression. In particular histone tail modifications (such as methylation) are continuously and dynamically modulated.
Indeed, the main benefit they provide relies on the ability to ‘fine-tune’ gene expression in line with morphogenesis and environmental change. Although epigenetics studies on cell populations have contributed new insights on the effects, that epigenetic modifiers have on cellular function, understanding the role of these enzymes at single cell resolution is needed to appreciate cell-to-cell variability in fate determination and function in homeostasis and disease.
Indeed, the main benefit they provide relies on the ability to ‘fine-tune’ gene expression in line with morphogenesis and environmental change. Although epigenetics studies on cell populations have contributed new insights on the effects, that epigenetic modifiers have on cellular function, understanding the role of these enzymes at single cell resolution is needed to appreciate cell-to-cell variability in fate determination and function in homeostasis and disease.