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ED 206 - Chimie Procédés Environnement
Publié le 26 novembre 2024 | Mis à jour le 26 novembre 2024
Multimetallic hetero-nanostructures
Engineering matter at the nanoscale is crucial for many fields ranging from photonics and photovoltaics to thermo-electricity, or plasmonic. The nanometer is the natural length scale for phenomena that are important for engineering, like heat transport, light propagation, or current conduction. Nanoparticles have emerged as a crucial building block to control light, heat, or electrons at the nanoscale.
This PhD thesis subject is related to the development of new synthesis of Pd-based nanoparticles and their optical and structural characterization.
This PhD thesis subject is related to the development of new synthesis of Pd-based nanoparticles and their optical and structural characterization.
- Multimetallic hetero-nanostructures (PDF, 108 Ko)