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ED 206 - Chimie Procédés Environnement
Publié le 26 novembre 2024 | Mis à jour le 26 novembre 2024
Renoxification Processes in the Troposphere
The atmosphere is a highly reactive oxidizing medium where bio-synthetic and anthropogenic compounds emitted at the Earth's surface undergo transformations. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS; ROS ≡ ●OH, H2O2, HO2●/O2-●) govern the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere, driving the chemical fate and lifetimes of various species. Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS; RNS ≡ NO, HNO, NO2, HONO/NO2-) are important mediators regulating oxidant concentration; NOx participates in the ROS cycle after VOC oxidation, and HONO is a direct source of ●OH radicals and NOx upon oxidation.
- Renoxification Processes in the Troposphere (PDF, 146 Ko)